
Yannik Düringer
Maren Becker
Lisa Scheithauer
Staff of the research project "UrbanUp - Upscaling-Strategies for an Urban Sharing Society"
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Karoline Augenstein
Dr. Alexandra Palzkill-Vorbeck
Staff of the research project "Urbane Produktion im Bergischen Städtedreieck"
Dr. Katharina Schleicher (until 11/2020)
Staff of the research project "Transformationsstadt - BürgerInnen forschen für ein Gutes Leben" (of TransZent/BUW) (2017-2019)
Stefanie Luke
Lana Horsthemke
Staff of IN TOUCH
Dr. Nikolai Plößer
Jennifer Wolff
Staff of the former research project "Well-Being Transformation Wuppertal" (2015-2018)
Katrin Maibaum
Kevin Perschon